Sunday, January 4, 2015

Soul in Seoul - Adventure 2015...First stop, Japan?

A Relaxing Day in Fukuoka

To make a long story short, I came to Korea on faith and a tourist visa so after getting a great job teaching music to kindergarten kids in Seoul, I needed to come to Fukuoka to process my teaching visa at the Korean Consulate here. It's warm and sunny and I've enjoyed a wonderful day of wandering through the peace of Japan. I know people love photos, so here are a few that I snapped today, most of which have some connection to Seattle, oddly enough. 

The baseball team in Fukuoka is called the 'Sea Hawks' and they have the only retractable stadium in Japan. Now that sounds familiar....

An artists rendition of a Seahawk? 

The bus stop at Seahawk Stadium (?!)

Yes, the Fukuoka Sea Hawks. We should be sister cities!

A happy and warm beach morning.

  A very traditional sight in Japan, the row of vending machines. 

This was just a really cool building I saw on my wanderings. 

Quaint Japan

Perhaps this is an ad for meditation? Just the space what you have been looking for!

This park reminded me so much of Golden Gardens. I had a Family Mart picnic with this view...

nearly got pooped on repeatedly by the friendly wildlife...

quietly observed a family of nesting hawks (maybe?) who live in the middle of the lake....

And then scoffed at the line (out the door) and prices ($4 for a short drink) at Starbucks on the lake. 

Like I said, just like Seattle. 

I plan to enjoy myself these few days while I wait for my visa to be processed. And I'll share about my life and work in Seoul soon. 

Hugs and Blessings!

1 comment:

swnster said...

Always a joy to follow your wanderings! Sending love!