Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Peaceful Fukuoka Day 2

A few more selected photos from a spontaneous last 24 hours in Fukuoka. It is freeing not being able to speak with anyone, even if you want to. Hence, a mostly silent day for me of meditative walking, besides the occasional konichiwa and arigato gozaimusu. 

Ramyen and gyoza for dinner. Hard to be veggie here, so I just go with the flow. 

The lights at Hakata Station near my hotel and a main hub in Fukuoka. 

Maybe that's what we need in America, a "social etiquette center" near the police station!

It's hard to see, but that bus is going to "You Me Town." You coming?


Small Zen Garden at Torinji Temple.

Torinji Temple Gate

Wishes at Sumiyoshi Shrine

Praying for good grades on your exam? Pay 100 yen and drop a prayer in the box.

Zenshoji Temple entrance

Kushida Shrine Gate

A prayer hall and lanterns at Kushida Shrine

A very old and powerful set of gates at Kushida Shrine. 

More Shinto gates in their traditional orange color. It's almost an optical illusion.


The Zodiac on the Shrine entrance ceiling.

Don't want to stay in the hotel all night? Okay, you can just stay a short time. 

 I love kale decorative plants in city walkways. 

A relaxing matcha latte at Tully's in Hakata to end my walking day.


Anonymous said...

Terrific photos and funny comments, karissa. From Mom

Anonymous said...

Love seeing through your eyes!! Grandma "Tini"