Sunday, April 18, 2010


It's April 19th already. That's really hard to believe. Truly. I'm trying to remember what I've been doing the past few weeks, but it's all a blur! Of course, my mom was here in Korea visiting until April 5th. We spent the last few days in Seoul sightseeing and meeting my friends. I think my mom had a good time, it was very nice for me having her here. So it's been back to my busy, busy life since she left. I'm teaching an after school program at my school of 2 hour-long classes 4 days a week which makes for almost no planning time and a lot more lessons to plan. I don't seem to have any down time at work now. I'm teaching yoga 2 nights a week this semester, plus my school has asked me to teach a yoga class to parents which should start this week. I've decided to go back to the resident yoga master here starting in May and take advantage of being able to study with him for the remainder of my time in Jeju. Last week I taught at another new English teacher workshop and I've just found the time to start meeting with my Korean teacher again. Add some sauna time, acupuncture, a little time with my boyfriend, and seeing friends who I've been neglecting, that about sums it up. This upcoming weekend is Open Mic and I'll be playing the guitar again if I can find a few minutes to practice this week. I do love my life, as busy as it is.

Last weekend I went to Seoul with 2 friends to attend John Friend's "Melt your Heart, Blow your Mind" yoga workshop. It was a phenomenal weekend of Anusara yoga. I learned a lot about Anusara style yoga, about my own practice, and I'm renewed in my practice and my teaching! It's great to get away (not that I especially wanted to go back to Seoul) and immerse in yoga for a weekend filled with happiness, gratitude, and love, things we could all use more of in our lives! If you have a chance to attend a yoga workshop, retreat, or class anytime soon, do it!

I'm trying not to count down to the end of my days in Jeju, but it's just getting closer and closer. I have 3 months of ESL teaching left, then a few weeks vacation and I'm off! I guess it's time to share my plans for the next year. I finish my contract in Korea at the end of August and from here I'll head to Nepal for about a month to do some trekking in the Himilayan mountains and possibly a 10-day Vipassana Retreat with some Jeju friends. Then it's off to India for yoga study at 2-3 different ashrams. I've decided to dedicate my time in India to being open to whatever comes up and not lock into any programs or specific study. I'll inquire into some ashrams and plan to stay about a month at each, but just go with the flow if I really connect with a teacher or space. And then...back to Thailand! I fell in love with Thailand in January when I went for my vacation. I'll probably head back there around Christmas, maybe go back up to Chiang Mai for a little more massage school, and then start my yoga teacher training program on Koh Phangan. The program is 500 hours of study in 3 months, so I'll finish up at the end of March 2011 and be an Internationally certified yoga teacher. And then? Who knows. Right now I'd like to go back to Seattle and teach yoga. So that's the tentative plan. I'll need to meet my new baby nephew and spend time with my family and friends who I am starting to miss a lot.

This weekend I spent a lot of time thinking about all the things I'm grateful for in my life. The list is endless, but I especially want my family to know how grateful I am for their never-ending support and encouragement, and for introducing me to yoga which is so important to me. I give thanks every day for all the love and compassion in my life, for those who have been there for me and who have let me be there for them. If you're reading this, thank you for being a part of my life!

Love and Peace