Friday, January 8, 2010

It's all good

No really, English camp was fine.

We were blessed with 10 positive, enthusiastic, caring foreign teachers and 10 equally supportive Korean teachers, 2 camp supervisors who saved our butts, and really enthusiastic kids. And good snacks which makes everybody happy. All in all, the camp was a big success I'm very happy to say. The kids were excited to be there, we ended up with a good mix of teaching, making crafty stuff and games, and everyone was appreciative of everyone else's efforts. All of the foreign teachers raved about my school and how well-behaved the kids were which made me very appreciative of my school. All the Korean teachers thanked me profusely and are genuinely happy that (so I've been told) I'll be staying at my school for my last semester in Korea. And, lastly, I remembered that it's perfectly acceptable to improvise in the classroom and that you can plan 4 hours of teaching in 10 minutes if you have to.

The dinner party was also a success, thank you for asking. Vegetarian potluck for a few good friends.

I just found out that I have Monday off since the camp I'm teaching this next week switched dates very last minute (yes, the Korean way!) I'll be teaching a very similar version of the same camp next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday,and then off to warmer places. Well, one very cold night in Seoul (it hasn't been above -10C in a few weeks) and 2 then warm weeks in Thailand (averaging 20-30C). Aaaaahhh, I'm really looking forward to my vacation. I'm taking a 5 day Thai Massage course, studying some traditional Thai yoga and that's all I have planned. I'm sure temple visits or temple stays - Thai Buddhism is very different from Korean, Tibetan, or Japanese Buddhism, perhaps a beach day or two, sleep, and delicious Thai food and drinks - making and eating - are on the list. If you've been to Thailand and have any pointers for northern cities, I'm open to suggestions. I'm just ready to be out of the cold for a few weeks.

1 comment:

emilie said...

Hooray for the English camp success! I'm glad you're able to feel good about your work there-- you should, you know. Even when it feels like you're hitting less than you considerable potential, you are doing a good thing for others, that so many of us don't have the courage or conviction to do. Brava!