Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A rainy Tuesday at the UHungry Cafe

The days are starting to blur together. I don't know how many times I said today, "What day is it?" We did get a very good night's rest last night and got up "late" this morning, around 8:30am. It takes a good 3 hours to prep our UHungry cafe to go out for the day, which lasts about 7 hours. Circus had to do some repair work on a massage table - long story to be disclosed at a later date - so I set off focalizing our mobile unit for the day. The kitchen staff are so supportive and got me hot chili, hot dogs, and bacon, plus coffee and hot water - more work than you'd think - for the day's lunch and dinner service. We also stocked some eggs and cheese in case we ran out of the former items, which we did.

On the menu for today were BLT's and chili cheese dogs, both a popular item here on the Jersey shore. When BLT's ran out, we switched to egg, tomato and cheese sandwiches. Tim and Travis, two of our mobile volunteers for the day, were instrumental in stocking the truck this morning and organizing our hot food to be ready on time. Three amazing women powered through making sack lunches, one of whom has been a regular diner at the Firehouse throughout the week. Circus, myself, Tim, Travis and Sarai took an abundance of hot meals, snacks and beverages as we headed out about noon.

Being a cold and rainy day, there were far less people in the streets when we circled our usual customers in Union Beach but we did find quite a few takers for hot chocolate and chili cheese dogs. After a swing around the streets of Union Beach, which has begun to feel like home, we headed about 4 miles away to another hard hit town, Keansburg. There were some very appreciative residents and a different kind of need in this town. A lot of people we met didn't have very much before Hurricane Sandy and now really don't have anything. As far as I know they don't have any relief kitchens in Keansburg and there were no other Disaster Relief units or the Red Cross in sight. They were all closed late last week when schools prepared to reopen. People were surprised and excited by our mobile cafe. One diner said that the only option in town is $7 per meal at the local deli. The streets were as devastated as in Union Beach, although over a smaller area, but many still lost their cars or don't have cars. A few knew about the Union Firehouse Grill but don't have the transportation to get there. A lot of help is needed in this community, just like every other town along the shore.

We spent a few hours circling the streets and eventually ran into our other shuttle, the Organic Valley truck piloted by Peace Richard, Mick, and Allie. The OV truck made its debut as a mobile unit today but they don't have the capability to cook hot food so they gave out coffee and cold sandwiches to residents and workers in the Highlands, about 10 miles from Union Beach.

I don't know what the counts for today were but we did 200+ from the UHungry Cafe and a very unofficial rumor says the kitchen at the Firehouse cooked and served about 1000 meals. Nearly everyone we met knew about the hot meal service at the Fire station on Florence or the "Union Hose" which is what it's known as to residents. One family told us they were headed to the Fire Station for dinner in a few minutes and preferred to sit down for their dinner which was fine with us! For dinner tonight was pork, mashed potatoes and gravy.

Circus and I really want to get to another state to see how things are and how we can help. Tomorrow we're going to the Far Rockaways to set up at a facility and cook for people for the day. I'm in touch with someone there, but they're as busy as we are and I have yet to receive an address. There are other places we know of that also need hot food so I'm sure we'll find folks to serve one way or another. Hopefully we'll meet up with some friends of mine who want to help for a few hours. We'll also take 2-3 people from camp if enough volunteers are around for the day.

Tomorrow will be my last full day here. My plane ticket returns me to Seattle very late Thursday night. Circus has decided to stay here, at least for another week and hopefully the airlines will just let us change his ticket without a fuss. UHaul is not giving us any deal on the rental so we'll be continuing to pay for that through your donations while Circus is here. We went to Costco again tonight to stock up the truck and get a few items for the camp so thank you again and again for funding this! If the Universe provides, I'd love to come back for Thanksgiving and spend one more weekend here. Circus will probably stay through that weekend so it would be nice to be here together and jump back in for a few more days of Relief Work. I am looking forward to my own bed, though, and a few less hectic days.
Here is our disaster relief fundraising site. We will continue to raise money as long as people want to give it whether our feet are here or not. When I leave, Circus will allocate the money to the cause. Love and light, off to bed!

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