Thursday, December 16, 2010

On Being Alone

The only way to start looking within is to be alone. The first few weeks I was alone on this trip were, comparitively very different than these past few days. There were a few days in Shillong that bordered on lonely when I wasn't teaching or visiting villages. At the Sivananda Ashram, there were definitely some lonely days. I was intentionally not meeting people because I wanted to stay in that quiet space, focused inward instead of outward. The last few days, though, have been wonderful. Even though I'm in a big city which is never quiet and the other hotel guests the past few days did not observe any quiet hours, I've really enjoyed the silence and peace that have pervaded Chennai for me. Finding inward quiet can completely change physical and mental reactions, thoughts, and the subjective basis for 'reality.'

That said, Emily gets here in a few short hours and I'm sure we'll be talking ceaselessly for the next 3 weeks! Then my program starts just after New Year's and I'll have some int'l visitors at my beach house, making for lots of social time. I've enjoyed these few days exploring Chennai, eating masala dosai, pongal, sambar idli, and oh-so-good South Indian coffee and chai. I went to a few museums and memorials, walked by the beach, and have had more than a few stares, akward pointing/laughing moments, inquisitive smiles, and kind handshakes. I get to share this all with Emily who will remind me, I'm sure, just how crazy India is. It's easy to forget that when you spend so much time here. She certainly reminded me of that in Korea!

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