Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another few weeks in Beautiful Thailand

On the one hand I am excited to come back to Seattle in less than 2 months. On the other hand, I love Thailand! I'm sure anyone who has spent some time here - outside of Bangkok - will agree that this beautiful country is an ex-pat's dream. I'm back into Thai food, scarfing my fair share of Tom yum, pad Thai, noodle soups, sticky rice, Thai rice soup, and the occasional spring roll. Unfortunately my belly doesn't love those thick coconut curries or soups, even though my mouth does, so I have to steer clear of that category. 

But enough about food, what about the yoga you are surely wondering. The teacher training program continues to be wonderful. We're currently immersed in the subtleties of being a yoga teacher, plus anatomy classes, giving proper corrections, and continuing to learn new asanas and other yogic techniques daily. Last Monday was my first teaching practicum and I so enjoyed it! It is nice to get to teach yoga again after almost 6 months. My second practicum will be next Tuesday. The program here is organized in a very succinct way so that each practicum we get to experience a different aspect of teaching a yoga class but all the classes are complete in themselves. I'm certainly grateful to have taught yoga before, it makes the basics easier but there is still so very much to learn. "Slowly, slowly" as is the common expression around here, we accumulate all this new information. 

My 60-day entrance stamp to Thailand is soon to expire so Sunday will be a long trip to the Malaysian border and back for a new stamp on my visa. I'm going with 5 other students in my program and we're going Sunday, our only day off every week, so as not to miss any class. Hopefully that won't mean a tired week since I'll miss my usual day of doing nothing. 

On a completely different topic, my hair has suddenly grown out of the boy-phase! It's long enough to look like an intentionally short haircut and thanks to the hair wax I've been lugging around for the past 6 months I can style it. It's a little thing but it makes me smile. So unless I get a wild itch in the next 6 weeks I'll have hair when you see me again. 

May this Lunar New Year bring you happiness and peace. Heang-bok-han sol-nal!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

But don´t worry, you haven´t left yet and then, you can always go back. :)

Growing hair- like!

Much love your way <3