This weekend was the first annual Jeju Beach Volleyball tournament. Sixteen teams of foreign and Korean players competed for fame & glory over 2 days of competitive volleying. Together with Cindy, Mike, Cynthia and 2 of her Korean co-workers, our team "Bling, Bling!" played roughly 16 hours of sweaty, sandy volleyball and, man, was it fun!!
"Bling, Bling" warming up before a match
Saturday morning, a little foggy?
Mike & I on a break
A magnificent sunset at Iho beach

Sunday started with two losses, but we quickly recovered by winning the next 6 in a row. We came all the way back up, beat the team we lost to in the morning and finished 2nd place in the tournament! We were the underdog story of the year. I escaped with only a little sunburn, some bumps and bruises, but so many great memories. There's talk of another tourney in October and I can't wait to play beach volleyball again. It was more fun than I thought possible.
Glad Mike was on our team! (That's him 2 feet off the ground)
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