I'm tired. I stayed home sick from school last Thursday and went to the foreigner clinic at Halla Hospital. My expectations were very, very low after hearing friends' stories of similar doctors visits, but with my only goal being to obtain a Rx for antibiotics I thought I had nothing to lose. The visit was quick, short, painless, and cheap, but met my expectations of being impersonal and lack-luster. Nonetheless, I left with a prescription for 5 medications. In Korea, you see, you can't walk into Walgreens and pick up a Sudafed (or Walafed) for your symptoms. Nor do they have Aleve or Tylenol for aches and fevers. So...if you want that full symptom relief while you're waiting
Last week's conference went well! My co-teacher and I presented to about 30 Korean and Foreign elementary school teachers. The education office higher-ups were very impressed with both our model class and our presentation on Co-Teaching Tips. It was nice to have a project for a few weeks. Now it's back to killing time and lesson planning in the afternoons after my last class ends at 2pm. Maybe I'll invest in some 'head-down-on-the-desk' nap time this week. Oh yeah, and studying Korean of course.

You can always keep people entertained with puppets! We use these to demonstrate dialogues.
Other than that, its just been the usual goings-on here in Jeju. We hosted a successful spring potluck in our building this weekend and met all the new folks who moved in in the past 2 months. Sorry, I didn't take any pictures. I went to a few beautiful temples 2 weeks ago with Colleen, Julia, Marcie and Young Ja, one of which we'll visit again next weekend to celebrate Buddha's Birthday which is a national holiday in Korea!
Nam-Gug-Seon-Won - A Korean Buddhist Center in the southeast of Jeju
Seon-deok Temple decorated with pink lanterns for Buddha's Birthday
We did have Picnic Day a few weeks ago and the weather cooperated beautifully! We accompanied the 6th grade to Pyeolto Bong, a short walk from our school. The kids all bring these cute little plastic mats to sit on and take off their shoes while they sit and eat lunch. Most students bring homemade kimbap (Korean style sushi), fruit, and packaged junk-food cookies or pies. The teachers buy assorted kimbap and all eat together on their own big plastic mat while begging good looking food off the kids. It's a pretty funny day and a nice change of pace!I've been making new friends with all the new folks lately. Many people I know are leaving soon which does make me sad. But as to be expected in this lifestyle. All the more reason to enjoy the moment as it happens.
1 comment:
Very nice, my dear! Well put! And I especially loved those shots of you and Stella 'mock' co-teaching! =)
PS: Happy early Buddha's birthday! =)
Of course, feel BETTER! i'm sorry i wasn't around to take better care of you.
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